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Performance - Installation

3 December | 5:30pm


The performance "She's Lost Control" is centred on a video installation by Alexandre Lyra Leite, inspired by the iconic Joy Division song. In dialogue with the video installation, actress/singer Joana Manuel and musician João Cardoso explore post-punk sound territories and dancer Carolina Inácio introduces other distortions with a solo specially designed for the Manchester band's music.
The enigmatic power of image, word and sound, in a "mise-en-scène" about loss of control, in multiple perspectives.


Safra - Estr. da Torre 47A | 1750-062 Lisboa

Conception and Artistic Direction Alexandre Lyra Leite
A partir do tema “She’s Lost Control” de Joy Division

Performers Joana Manuel, João Cardoso, Carolina Inácio
Video installation Alexandre Lyra Leite
Musical direction Joana Manuel e João Cardoso
Choreographic creation Carolina Inácio e Joana Bergano
Performers (video installantion) Alessandra Armenise, Cleopatra Morillo, Inês Gonçalves, Raquel Cipriano, Rita Silva, Sara Chéu
Graphic design Rita Leite

Video recording and editing Vítor Hugo Costa / Metafilmes

Executive production Rita Leite

Production assistance Susana Serralha

Technical management Fernando Tavares

Technical assistance Inês Maia

Production Inestética

Project financed by República Portuguesa – Cultura, DGArtes, Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de XiraApoios Arte Franca, Imarte, Junta de Freguesia de Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho

Special Thanks João Lopes ESTC

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