International Documentary Competition
This year's International Documentary Competition brings together a total of 12 films from 11 countries in a category that, more than ever, illustrates the current panorama of dance-related documentaries.
We are counting on the presence of directors, choreographers, and other international artists, in an assumed role of keeping alive the creative synergies that have moved us over all these years.
Teatro do Bairro - Rua Luz Soriano 63 | Lisboa, 1200-246
ETIC - Escola de Tecnologias Inovação e Criação - Rua Dom Luís I 20 | Lisboa, 1200-151 (free entry)
Session 1 . 27 NOV Monday . 3pm (ETIC)
If I Can’t Dance, Dorothy Cheung (HK) 17’
Dear Dancer, Marcus Lindeen (SE) 23’
INTRAMUR, Pepe Andreu, Rafa Molés (ES) 36’
Session 2 . 29 NOV Wednesday . 10am (ETIC)
Perpetual Motion, Marco Del Fiol (BR) 84’
Session 3 . 29 NOV Wednesday . 5pm (Teatro do Bairro)
Movers, Alec Goldberg (US) 15’
Post Socialist Bodies, Laura Teresa Lintner (AT) 17’
Anomalies, Rita Quelhas (PT) 47’
Session 4 . 30 NOV Thursday . 5pm (Teatro do Bairro)
The Songin my Body, David Edwards (UK) 16’
Identities in dance: Myrsa Destiné, Julia Martinez Heimann (AR) 5’
Pole Dance, Mathieu Lee (FR) 18’
Impossible Image, Karen Pearlman (AU) 8’
Dance for An Ideal City, Daniele Costa (IT) 28’