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Joana Dionisio

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21 November to 7 December

Espaço Santa Catarina

Monday to Friday | 2pm to 8pm

The conflicting emotions that emerged after my father's death, compelling me to contemplate the limitations of human existence, resulted in the present project, which seeks to explore how the body clothes itself in mourning.

In an essay that delves into the depths of the human experience when confronted with death, it unveils a silent dance that the body enacts. On this intimate stage, each one finds their own rhythm and their own step, where pain and acceptance intertwine in a melody between darkness and light.
It is a performance of raw emotions, a story without words.


Espaço Santa Catarina - Largo Dr. António de Sousa Macedo 7 | 1200-123 Lisboa

Joana DionÍsio (b. 1993) is a Portuguese photographer based in Porto, where she works as a freelancer on various commissioned and personal projects. 

Having first studied Audiovisual Communication Technologies, she completed a Master in Artistic Photography in 2021. 

Joana has exhibited her work in a range of solo and group exhibitions, whilst she was selected for FRESH EYES 2022 – a publication showcasing emerging European Photography Talent by GUP Magazine and was nominated as a new talent for Futures in 2023 by Bienal Fotografia do Porto.

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