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29th November | 10:30am to 1:30pm

Cervantes Institute

Workshop that explores the infinite possibilities resulting from the fusion between cinematic experimentation, sound creation and bodily expression. This workshop proposes collaboration in the production of a collective work, based on creative premises that challenge addictions and syndromes identified in the international dance video scene. The result of the process will be presented at the closing of the INSHADOW Festival, on December 2nd at Teatro Bairro.

Workshop with a hybrid and transdisciplinary vision, aimed at professionals, students and enthusiasts interested in dance, performance, cinema, photography, music, poetry and visual arts.


Instituto Cervantes - Rua de S. Marta, 43F r/c | 1169-119 - Lisbon

Alex Pachón (Badajoz, Spain) is an audiovisual creator, researcher and teacher. He has presented his work in 45 countries and at more than 200 festivals. His latest projects reflect a strong interest in expanded cinema, the body-camera-territory relationship and the possibilities offered by the union between audiovisual experimentation, new media and the living arts. In 2014, he won the best choreography award at the INSHADOW Festival with his film "Cracks". Since 2017, he has been part of the artistic direction of FIVER, a platform for supporting, training, archiving and disseminating choreography.

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