Workshop Videodance
28 November | 10am to 12pm
ETIC - Escola de Tecnologias Inovação e Criação
From inspiration to exhibition, Making Dance Films looks into the creative as well as the practical processes of creating hybrid works that are a fusion of two artistic practices, dance and film.
Referencing my practice, I will discuss the evolution of making dance media work from my first films as a contemporary dance student to my recent exhibition of 30 works / 30 years of dance filmmaking. Excerpts of works will be viewed.
Share insights into production processes:
Two approaches to capturing intention, kinaesthetic quality and energy of movement will be presented: creating dance with the camera; adapting choreography to the screen.
Excerpts of works will be viewed to contrast and compare approaches.
Considerations for working with location in meaningful ways – discussion with visual examples.
One screen, two screens, many screens: an overview of different platforms for creating and presenting dance media works will be discussed. View visual examples of different exhibitions, platforms.
Collaboration and communication between choreographer and filmmaker, performers and crew to create work where the two art forms of film and dance are creatively integrated, technically, cinematically and choreographically.
Looking ahead - ways to produce your dance film projects. Conceiving and writing your dance film proposal. Links to resources available for DIY projects, arts council applications for funding.
Promoting and distributing your work through festivals that have streams for student films, mobile phone films. View Film freeway, other self distribution sites, festival calendar
In Person
ETIC - Escola de Tecnologias Inovação e Criação - Rua Dom Luís I 20 D Nº 20 D, 1200-151 Lisboa
Marlene Millar has recently celebrated 30 years of filmmaking in her solo exhibition of 30 dance media works at Threshold Artspace, Perth, UK.
‘The Migration Dance Film Project’ series directed by Marlene, choreographed by Sandy Silva, has been honoured with over 25 awards at festivals such as Shortwaves, Aesthetica, San Francisco Dance Film Festival, Cinematica, Cinedans, InShadow, bringing stories of migration to life through body percussion and cinema.