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SOMATATI  CiM - Companhia de Dança

SOMATATI _  Mário Verino Rosado _ InShadow 11 e 12 novembro 2023.JPG

Performance for children and families

November 9th and 10th | 10:30am  * school audience

November 11th and 12th | 4pm

Museu da Marioneta

The characters return from a suspended and distant time. But when they meet, they take on a life of their own and enter another dimension. They peek into a new box of memories and measure new strengths and powers.


They dance from sum to sum, fitting each idea into another, until they are transformed and new superpowers emerge from them. But what is a superpower? They are acronyms and powers that can be read either forward or backward! A serious sum made up of letters, numbers, and words. In a cycle of emotions, the past is lived, the present is danced and the future is projected. These are things of the world that are revealed and happen there.


Museu da Marioneta -  Rua da Esperança, n° 146 | 1200-660 Lisboa

Artistic Direction Ana Rita Barata, Pedro Sena Nunes
Choreography Ana Rita Barata
Choreography Support Mara Pacheco
Dancers Bruno Rodrigues, Caco Lebre, Dileta Bindi, Joana Gomes
Dramaturgy Manuel Henriques
Original Music Philippe Lenzini
Costumes Mafalda Estácio
Film Direction Pedro Sena Nunes
Edition João Dias
Photography João Pedro Rodrigues

Light Design Sérgio Joaquim, Diogo Zózimo
Light Programming and Operation Rui Seabra
Production Inês Baptista & Miguel Loureiro
Executive coordination CiM Célia Carmona
Executive management CiM A. Barata
Support for Creation Estúdios Victor Córdon, Soudos – Espaço Rural das Artes, Pro.Dança, Companhia Clara Andermat (ACCCA)
Support Agrupamento Padre Bartolomeu Gusmão, Associação Paralisia Cerebral de Lisboa, CRPCCG – Centro de Reabilitação de Paralisia Cerebral Calouste Gulbenkian – SCML

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